Thursday, August 02, 2007

The price of Two

Do males like A strong women or do they prefer an easy pick?
What if females stood their ground, searched for peace in understanding the real aspect of marriage and forced a creation of a life rather being invited to one?
A proverb goes "Easy female buys into flattering male words"

What is your take on this Libyan folks?


Perkunas said...

I think it's possible for anybody to find the person they want and need if they're patient enough to look and wait for the right person. The right person may not be who you think it's going to be -- there are no rules for great romance.

smrithee said...

I totally disagree with this proerb but i know that most libyan/arab guys would.. no wonder that its a proverb.. in fact libyan males would undeniably prefer females who would shut up rather than stand their gounds or fight for their rights.. i mean of course there are individual differences but that's what the majority would believe..coming to being invited to bring life or being forced to... i still hold onto the fact that they would rather force (from experience).. i may have a very pessimistic view, but i guess its the harsh reality...