Sunday, February 25, 2007

Libya Beat

When the culture of FESES is the dominant environment in the Libyan society, there will be no more than HASAS as a result of it, the culture is going through a redefinition from all perspective including the concept of WA'NAS, people complain about not finding the old spirit, and how WAHDANY is everyone.

The SHUFU culture and SHUNU SAR are predominantly creeping since the development of the HASASAH minds has reached its peak with the opening up of the BIJNES arena.

The area man with his M'NOUR YA BISA attitude has it's resonance in poorer yet rather intellectual neighborhoods, the ISTANA game rages on DEEMA, DEEMA.

The neighbors AYT H'SAYN, HAWALOO to another area and B'NAU in a better neighborhood.

Area woman have kept with the ZLOOF, while the JAMIYAH is the most popular form of sharing.

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